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Why is Judicial Independence so important?

Democracy Requires Equal Justice Under Law


Equal justice under law must be the basis for every judicial ruling.


America’s promise—and our Constitution’s guarantee—is clear:  equal protection under law, regardless of name, status, position, or other characteristics.  Each case must be decided on—and only on—its particular facts and the law that applies to it. The Constitution must defend all of us, equally, and cannot pick and choose who is protected.


​These attributes have made America the envy of the world.  Generations of immigrants left their countries to come to America for the promise of being judged based upon who they are (character, intelligence, reliability, etc.), not what they are (poor, uneducated, etc.)—or as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. so eloquently put it, “not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”


​These Constitutional guarantees that have blessed this Nation for 232 years must be protected by the judiciary to provide the same opportunities for future generations.



The Rule of Law is Essential to Justice​


For there to be justice, we must have the Rule of Law.


The Preamble to the United States Constitution explains that the purpose of our government is to “establish Justice [and] insure domestic Tranquility” in order to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”  The Founders of our Republic knew that there cannot be domestic tranquility and liberty without justice. 


​Every society throughout history has had rules, but not every society enjoys the Rule of Law—or, as John Adams famously explained, “a government of laws and not men.”  A civilized society resolves its disputes in courtrooms, not street corners and alleyways. 



Separation of Powers,

Judicial Independence, and Judicial Restraint


Part of the genius of our Constitutional government is the clearly delineated separation of powers between the executive branch, legislature, and judiciary.


Vital to judicial independence is that judges be self-disciplined and show restraint.  Public policy is debated and determined in the legislative and executive branches of government—in Illinois, the General Assembly and the Governor—not the Courts.


Judges are not kings, and regardless of how pressing a particular problem or need might be, it would be an improper use of judicial power to “fix” the problem by judicial fiat.  Judges must have the wisdom and the will to follow policy set by the legislature unless that policy conflicts with the Constitution.


The Constitution empowers the courts to police the other branches of government when their actions violate the Constitution’s guarantee of rights for our citizens.  The Constitution’s limits on governmental power protect liberty, and one of the judiciary’s prime functions is to protect the Constitution.



“In the end, it is the courts that give voice to the Constitution.  When that voice is silenced, we cease to be a free society.

The most important job of a judge is to uphold the Constitution with fierce independence and commitment to equal justice under the law.” 
– Judge Daniel B. Shanes

Paid for by Citizens for Judge Shanes. A copy of our report filed with the Illinois State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the board's official website ( or for purchase from the Illinois State Board of Election in Springfield or Chicago, Illinois.

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